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EpiPen: How and When to use it?

Thanks to Elizabeth Goldberg, the force behind OneSpot Allergy, I came across a very nicely put together video by EpiPen UK on ‘how and when to give oneself an epinephrine shot’. Definitely a must-watch for all allergy-aufferers and caretakers if they carry an EpiPen.

As mentioned in the video, even if symptoms recede and you are feeling much better after an EpiPen shot, call emergency. In the US, that number would be ‘911’.

Stay safe and always armed with an EpiPen…

7 thoughts on “EpiPen: How and When to use it?”

  1. Something I have to keep in mind is that not all *knocks on wood* of my allergic reactions have been anaphylactic, and some have only required Benadryl (sometimes accompanied by vomiting). I haven’t yet *knocks on wood had to use my Epipen, thankfully.

    1. And my sincerest wishes that it stays that way. Thank you so much for visiting Allergy Foodie.

  2. This video would be perfect to show in a classroom to students. I am going to bring it to the attention of my son’s Grade 8 teacher. I have already been in the classroom and given a presentation of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to administer an epi pen. (I wrote a post on my blog)This would be a great addition. I think it is important to empower our youth by educating them on anahylaxis so they may be proactive and reactive if such an event were to occur.

    1. That’s a great idea Susan. I am going to share it with Arjun’s teacher too. I am also going to find that link to the post you are talking about. Do schools in Canada have an epi-pen admin program? Only 11 states have it in the US – I am just lucky to be living in one of the 11 🙂

  3. Ola! Allergyfoodie,
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    Catch you again soon!

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